How the tech industry changed over the years?

A data based approach using Stack Overflow’s developer surveys data from 2011 to 2020.

eslam shash
5 min readJul 6, 2021


The tech industry have changed over the years with ups and downs for a lot of technologies and programming languages. Many of us have claimed that some technologies are the rising ones and some will be dead in the next few years.

That’s why i explored the full datasets from Stack Overflow surveys from 2011 to 2020 and tried to answer a few questions i struggled to know for a while:

How the programming languages popularity changed over the years?.

How gender representation changed?

Are individuals became more or less satisfied with their tech jobs over the last decade?

How the salaries changed?

What are the most coefficients affecting these salaries.

Question1: How the programming languages popularity changed over the years?

Programming Languages Over the years

We can see that along the years the most used four languages where C, Java, Javascript, SQL ..

Python was in the top 10 back in 2011 , 2012 and started climbing its way to the top five used languages

Question2 : How gender representation changed?

Gender Representation over the years

Female representation was about 4 to 5 percent back in 2014, 2015 but this percent kept increasing till reached 8 percent in 2020 (There was not Gender question in the surveys from 2011 to 2013)

Question3: Are individuals became more or less satisfied with their tech jobs over the last decade?

Job Satisfaction over the years

Job Satisfaction was good back in 2011, 2012 but it increased gradually till reached its highest rates in 2019, 2020

Question4: How the salaries changed?

We can see that frequent salaries ranges sarted between 40 and 80 thousands back in 2011, 2012 then droped to 30 to 60 in 2014, 2015, 2016 then started increasing till reached its hightest in 2019 , 2020 with 60 to 100.

Question 5: what are the most coefficients affecting these salaries.

Used a Linear Regression model to predict the future salaries and look at the size of the coefficients in the model as an indication of the impact of each variable on the salary. The larger the coefficient, the larger the expected impact on salary.

Top 10 Coefficients affecting the salaries.

We can see that the country you work in is the top affecting factor in the salary and then comes the year of experience.

Working as a freelancer is one of the top factors affecting the salaries in 2020.


In this article we took a look at how the tech industry changed over the years and learned the following:

  • C, Javascript and Java are the most used programming languages over the years but still python is climbing its way up.
  • Female individuals contribution to the tech industry is increasing and the future have more.
  • Job satisfaction is the highest with the tech industry in 2020 and the future is promising for the individuals who are working in such industry.
  • Freelancing is proving that its the future as its not limited by the country you live in so the high paying salary will not be limited to specific countries.

What is your preferred programming language? are you considering freelancing if you cannot relocate to high paying countries?

Please answer in the comments and feel free to check the full project in my GitHub through this link: Project On GitHub

